Keys to Doing a 20 Year Kitchen VS a 5 Year Kitchen
Want to know the key to having a 20-year kitchen vs. a 5-year kitchen? It all boils down to one thing: hiring a professional kitchen designer.
I know what you’re thinking, you see the shows on HGTV that make remodeling your kitchen look easy-breezy, so you guess tackling the project yourself would be simple. The problem is, these shows are squeezed into a one-hour segment and cut down to show only a tiny portion of what the project actually entails.
Kitchen remodels can take months to complete. And if you want to have a kitchen that will last you for the next two decades, you should absolutely invest in the professional help of a kitchen designing expert to ensure quality and longevity.
Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Kitchen Remodeling Expert
If you’ve made the decision to remodel your kitchen, congratulations! A good kitchen remodel can add so much value to your home as well as your quality of life.
Remodeling a kitchen is no small feat, and there are inevitably going to be a million questions that crop up like;
- How do I design an efficient space that adds value to my home?
- How can I make my kitchen smart and trendy while staying within my budget?
- How do I know which appliances to choose?
- And so on
Before you go down the DIY rabbit hole, scouring the internet for opinions and how-tos, we’re going to run down our top 5 reasons to hire a kitchen designer for your remodeling project.
They Understand How to Manage Kitchen Designing Projects
Most homeowners are not experienced in project management and have no idea where to begin when it comes to a project of this magnitude. A kitchen designer as training and experience to move your project forward.
Designing experts see the big picture, and also all the tiny details that most people would naturally overlook. Additionally, they know how to manage the project in an efficient way that makes sure that; the job is done right, it stays on schedule, and your budget is respected and maintained.
When you hire a professional kitchen designer, you’ll be able to rest assured that there is a solid plan in place and that there will be no stones left unturned. Most kitchen designers will even create elevation drawings that allow you the opportunity to view a blueprint of your remodeled space so you can have a visual.
Designers also have a knack for making the most out of every dollar in your budget. They know how and where to spend your money for maximum efficiency.
They Can Reimagine Your Space
As homeowners, we often have a hard time seeing our kitchen as anything but what it currently looks like. Kitchen designers bring a fresh perspective and a keen set of eyes. They see opportunities that we would likely never consider or think possible.
They Help Keep Your Project On Budget By Avoiding Costly Mistakes
Kitchen designing is a significant project, with many decisions to be made.
Let’s say you create the space for your refrigerator, only to realize once it’s installed that the refrigerator you purchased is too big for the area and it’s not functional at all.
Fixing this kind of mistake can be a major budget-buster. These kinds of costly mistakes can be avoided by hiring the help of a professional who will scrutinize every detail and double-check all measurements before beginning the project.
Kitchen Designers Are Available to Coordinate With Contractors
As we mentioned earlier, a good remodel will take weeks, even months to complete. If you’re trying to handle it all on your own, you’re the one who must coordinate with the various contractors who will have their hands in the pot.
This means you’ll likely be spending your evenings and weekends trying to squeeze in time to meet with contractors and give them the information they need to do their job. This can quickly turn your excitement about your remodel to stress and anxiety.
Kitchen designers will handle all of this for you. You communicate with them, and they communicate with everyone else.
They Know Where to Source Quality Materials That Are Not Available in the Big Box Stores
The last thing you want to do is spend thousands of dollars and weeks without full use of your kitchen on a remodel, only for it to fall apart in the next few years.
You want a long-lasting kitchen and to get that, you need access to high-quality materials and craftsman.
Kitchen designing experts can find you the best appliances, cabinets, countertops, hardware, plumbing fixtures, and more that you won’t like to have access to on your own. They have the inside scoop and hookup because they are well-respected professionals in the industry.
How You Can Prepare for Your Kitchen Remodel
While it’s undoubtedly true that enlisting the help of a professional kitchen designer will take an enormous burden off your shoulders, you aren’t entirely off the hook.
As the homeowner, you still need to put in the time and research to figure out what exactly you’re looking for. You can use sites like Houzz, Pinterest, and Instagram to find inspiration for your kitchen and then share those ideas with your designer.
It’s your job to come up with styles, layouts, designs, and ideas that excite you, and it’s your kitchen designer’s job to put them together realistically and cohesively that is both functional and beautiful.
Another way you can prepare for your kitchen remodel is to build positive relationships with the people who are working to make your dream kitchen come to life.
While they’re there to help facilitate creating your perfect kitchen, you must be open to their input and ideas as they are the ones who have the experience and know-how when it comes to successful remodels.
Let your kitchen design team help guide you through the process so that the result is a kitchen that will last you for many years to come.
Lastly, be prepared to wait. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your kitchen. There’s going to be a lot of planning, preparing, and consulting before construction even begins.
You must be able to manage your expectations from the start and know that a high-quality kitchen that will serve you and your family for years to come will take time.
It’s going to take time, try to focus on the big picture and the end result. Imagine yourself enjoying time in your beautiful, functional kitchen, making precious memories with your family.
The True Key To a 20-Year Kitchen
A professional kitchen designer who can walk you through every step of the process and ensure that you’re not only getting everything you want and need in your space but that your time and budget are respected during the process.
Your home is your biggest asset, and remodeling will only add to its value and your satisfaction in your space.
Avoid undue stress and anxiety during the remodeling process by enlisting the help of a professional designing expert so that you can sit back, relax, and enjoy this exciting time in your life and have a kitchen that lasts 20 years, not 5.
Contact us for a free consultation. Since 1997, we’ve been the leading kitchen designers Cleveland and surrounding communities. Cerha Kitchen and Bath Chagrin Falls.