The Jackson Historical Society is featuring two simultaneous events involving 19th century White Mountain paintings. Its twelfth annual White Mountain Art sale is currently underway. So many fine paintings have been consigned by private collectors and dealers that the Society started its sale prior to its normal mid-October date. There are many fine paintings available in a broad range of prices by 19th century artists as well as landscapes by some of the finest contemporary artists. The online catalogue can be viewed at
In addition to the art sale, the Society’s Museum of White Mountain Art at Jackson has a new exhibit featuring 19th century paintings of the same scene by different artists. You can see different interpretations of Mt Washington, Chocorua, Eagle Cliff/Echo Lake, the Old Man, the Moats, Mt. Kearsarge and Jackson Falls. In addition, there is a collection of early maps of the White Mountains.
Whether you are interested in buying or just viewing fine art, there is more White Mountain art on view than in any major art museum, for no cost. On Friday, September 12th, there will be a reception at the Society in its home in the Old Town Hall on Black Mountain Road from 5:00 – 7:00. For more information, contact Warren Schomaker at 383-4060.